Love Letters from Generation X

Some people write letters. Some produce great art. Now, some post it on social media. But, when I was growing up, the sincerest form of communication was the mixtape. How else could you capture the zeitgeist of a moment without all of the emotions, context and drama of a soundtrack. This is how people my age communicated things that were too heavy to be contained in a fancily folded note passed between classes.

You could make a mixtape for the person you had a crush on. You could make a mixtape for teammate to pump up before the big game! You could make yourself a mixtape of breakup songs because all you could do was hurt for awhile. There’s a mixtape out there for every occasion… or at least that’s what I’m going to try to prove.

This blog will contain my little love letters. The love letters will be to different time periods, musical genres, emotional states, etc. And every now and then, I might take a break and write about something else. it’s a pretty selfish endeavor, for sure, but hopefully you can find something here that makes sense to you.
